hey check these out

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Here are the songs on repeat in my car. You can tell me what songs you think I should add in the comment section, I'll listen and decide if they are worthy:

1. Showstopper- Brandon &Leah

2. We can't stop- Miley Cyrus

3. Live it up- JLo feat. Pitbull

4. Come & Get it- Selena Gomez

5. Supermodel- Jill Sobule

6. The Way- Ariana Grande feat. Mac Miller

7. All Night Longer- Sammy Adams

8. Bubbly- Colbie Caillat

9. Hotel California- Eagles

10. Ignition (Remix)- R. Kelly

11. Lady Marmalade- Christina Aguilera feat lil' kim, mya, pink

12. Rum and Raybans- Sean Kingston feat. Cher Lloyd



SUMMER the college way: friendships

guide to college summer friendships.

So you are a college student... yay! This is one of the best times of your life, enjoy it. The hardest part about college though are the summers apart. You are so accustomed to seeing your friends everyday and now some of them are across the country. No worries, your friendships will resume when you get back to school. However, here are the types of friends that you will encounter when you leave college. Do you have these?

1. The nonexistent friend: You guys shared so many memories at school and talked everyday. But when you got home this friend became a ghost, no where to be found. They probably are reconnecting with their old life. How to deal: Give them their space. Every few weeks send them a text or post on their wall about how much you miss them and something you shared together. That way they remember that you exist and things will be normal when you get back to school. Plus, think of all the stories!

2. The stuck in college mode friend: This friend is always "with you". Skyping, twitter, Facebook, you name it, he/she is on it. Be patient with this person, they obviously miss you! Make sure to send similar emotions back unless you want them to be mad at you! Trust me, been there done that.

3. The fade away friend: You guys talked in the beginning of the summer nonstop. But now they seem to be less interested in your conversations. It is hard to not be mad at this person, they probably do not know that they are "avoiding" you. Give them space. Soon enough they will miss you and come crawling back. Do not try to reconnect too soon, you will just be hurting yourself(currently this is what I am going through, trust me it is not fun).

4. The Meetup friend: This person has the balance between school and home down pat. They will schedule monthly(or so) meetings with their friends to reconnect. When they are not doing this they are building on their relationships at home. This person will be the happiest over the summer, unless they are confronted by a person1 or person3 who will drive them crazy. 

The most important thing about summer is to remember that it is your time to relax. Don't take anything too personally, no one is in their right mind most of the time. Focus on improving yourself, but make the effort to reach out to your friends every once and a while. They will appreciate it and you will too.

Good luck and may the summer bring you good friendships and happy times!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One life, one world, one person

So for the last few years I've been struggling with the issue of the FUTURE(scary right?). I am not good at making decisions and I absolutely HATE change. But sometimes i get these random emotions that make me want to think about what i can do in my lifetime. Today I had one of those experiences.

Have you ever seen Severn Suzuki's 1992 speech??
 (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY) This video really hit me. We need to change the world we live in. Death scares me, it is not a fun thing to think about. But what if you could postpone death? Postpone the end of something? I want to fix the world. Thats my goal. I recently read something that said "we are educating our youth for jobs that don't exist yet, that problems we don't even know are problems yet". I want to fix those problems. I want to make our world a better place. I want to make the impossible possible.

When I was little I set a goal for myself: to be known. I want to make a mark on the world. If that is only by affecting a few people then I'm fine with that. I want a purpose. I don't want to waste something so precious as life. 

Who knows... maybe one day I'll find a way to negotiate peace, or to create a food that helps someone live longer. Or maybe I will just be an inspiration. That is something I KNOW i can do. 

I hope I inspire you too.


Monday, June 24, 2013

GUIDE TO LIFE: websites

the internet is the modern day girl's cure to boredom. how do you survive your boring internship? internet. what to do on a tuesday night? internet. need inspiration? INTERNET. are you seeing a pattern? that being said, here are my favorite things to look at when i'm on the internet.

1. Facebook. okay its kinda on the downhill but its still a great tool to look up people and post pictures. i wouldn't make it my life though

2. twitter. the way to express your emotions without coming right out and saying them. one of THE greatest things ever.

3. instagram. okay so like everyones all "instagram is an app, not a website". not so my friends. i get 0-nada cell service at my job so instagram.com is a life saver. you can't post pictures but you can like/stalk away. and the set up for the profile is zooo artsy. i love it.

4. buzz feed. anyone who knows me will tell you that this is my obsession. its amazing and hilarious. it also teaches you things you didn't know (aka super important trivia!)

5. betcheslovethis.com. because its the bible. duh.

6. hercampus.com. its a great place to read adorbs articles for college girls.

7. google trends. legit my obsession. just google "trends" and click the first link. it pretty much will keep you up to date with all the important knowledge you need to know

8. laurenconrad.com. she's a goddess and an inspiration. who wouldn't want to be her??

9. netflix/hulu. because tv is a great way to relax yourself while also being entertained. overdoing it can be bad though. so take it easy.

10. breaking news. I hate to be behind on things. So this website keeps me in the loop at all times. Thank youuu.

May the internet be with you.

AMAZING things to add to your daily routine

Summer is upon us now.. oh the joy.

yes i do love summer, the warmth, the friends, etc etc etc. but summer also bothers me. IT CAN GET SO BEYOND BORING! So here are a few things to look into to add to your day. Maybe they will inspire you, or maybe they will just get rid of useless time. its up to you my friends:

1. MAKE A BOOK LIST: summer is the perfect time to catch up on all of those pesky books you've been dying to read. but don't directly head to that best seller romantic novel, i am a sucker for them myself. Instead, read a book that will ENHANCE your view of the world. Currently, i am reading the outliers by malcolm gladwell. I'm starting to feel smarter already.

2. CATCH UP ON CURRENT EVENTS: life passes most of us by, unfortunately. catch up on whats going on in the world. I'm currently obsessed with the huffington post app on my iPhone. I feel like i can sound super intellectual in every single conversation I take part in. Bring on the current event q and a!

3. CRAFT: you're probably like "are you kidding me". but actually, craft. Pinterest has given me so many ideas, and i need to try them all. Plus, you will feel accomplished and have super cute stuff. yesssss.

4. JOURNAL: journaling is my favorite thing to do. its amazing. you can express your emotions and think through things like crazy. I've been journaling forever and now i love to look back at how INSANE i was when i was like 10. 

5. DO YOGA: even doing a few yoga poses of day can do wonders. It is so relaxing and allows you to breathe and relax. Its the perfect way to start or end a day.

6. MAKE A PLAYLIST: car rides can be long and treacherous. With the summer heat they can get even worse. my advice, make a fun, upbeat playlist on your iPod/iphone. this way you can sing along and it will put you in a much better mood. I promise. I'm that girl who is crying to hotel california while driving on the highway. and I wouldn't change it for the world.

This is all I've got for now. Stay tuned for more ways to enhance your summer in the future. And as always, stay gorgeous.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Guide to Finals

...or any other test that makes you wanna cry....

Whether you're in high school, college, or a brave one in grad school finals are the worst. 

No other words can describe them. You have to relearn everything from the semester and, get this, the teacher expect you to do WELL. Crazy I know. Such a bore. However, they are important. 

So here are some ways to keep yourself on track and ace your finals like the star you are:
1. Start early
        All nighters can be deadly and can often hurt your grade. You'll agree with me when your chugging your 5th coffee at 3am completely out of ideas for your greek lit paper due that morning.
2. Take breaks
        You need to let your mind breathe every once and a while. You'll never get any work done otherwise. So go grab food, check buzzfeed.com or stalk a cute boy. Anything helps.
3. Stay hydrated
        Yes coffee can become your BFF during finals but so should water! For every coffee you chug you should be consuming 2 glasses of water. This is coming from the girl who HATES water more than anything. Get a cute monogrammed water bottle if necessary and make sure you drink... water that is!
4. Take a social break
        If its the end of the year, have a "finish your alcohol" night with your friends in your room. They are usually controlled (so your RA doesn't freak at you) but they are also a lot of fun! And they allow you to get rid of unwanted alcohol, bonus!
5. Exercise and stretch
      It will clear your mind and allow you to think. Plus, after sitting around all day you are sure to be sore. However, make sure not to overdo it. Once a day is PLENTY. No more than 45 minutes of cardio. Unless you wanna tire yourself out and not be able to work. I mean, your choice.
6. Organize
      Make a to-do list for everyday. Only carry around books and papers that you need, too many things will stress you out! Make outlines and study sheets. You will feel less overwhelmed and more at peace. Personally, I use my white board and thousands of sticky notes! Also, make realistic goals. I know its hard but you will feel better about yourself in the long run. Do not plan to write two essays and study the map of the world in one night. That will not go well and it will not make you less stressed.
7. Sleeping
     Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Personally, I work better during the day so I like to wake up early. You need sleep to get through these long days ahead!
8. Eat well
       I know candy and sweets are tempting but they will slow you down. Stick to fruits, veggies, nuts, yogurts and low fat coffees. You will feel less pressure to go to the gum and you will be able to get a lot more done. My personal fav is a yummy chobani yogurt with banana and granola and a side of peanut butter. Perfect breakfast!

So read these tips, choose the ones that work for you and good luck! Remember, this time is only temporary. Soon you will be able to relax and read all the posts on my blog that you want.

XO me
Have you ever been somewhere and someone asked you a current event question that you had no idea the answer to? Personally, I'll admit that I have. And I've lied my butt off to cover the gap in my knowledge. 

When I first arrived at Georgetown SFS (go HOYAS!) I promised myself that i would learn everything I could to never be put in that position again. But understanding is hard and a lot of work! That's why I am writing this, for people just like me who can't grasp these important things from casually reading the New York times. 

So thats how this blog thing will work. I'll cover a topic, you'll learn some knowledge. But life isn't only about politics and business. Life is fun! Thats why THIS BLOG is focused on merging all the fun aspects of life with the reality of surviving in this ever changing world. Interested? hopefully. I'll start by covering things that I've learned about. But don't hesitate to comment what you want to read about. Life isn't about just reading information, its about interacting and learning from each other. I learn from you, you learn from me. Deal?

Hopefully by the end of this I can figure out what I wanna do with my life. But for know, I just need to keep afloat in school, god help me! So stay tuned. I don't know what is going to happen but I cannot wait.

xo ME