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Monday, June 24, 2013

AMAZING things to add to your daily routine

Summer is upon us now.. oh the joy.

yes i do love summer, the warmth, the friends, etc etc etc. but summer also bothers me. IT CAN GET SO BEYOND BORING! So here are a few things to look into to add to your day. Maybe they will inspire you, or maybe they will just get rid of useless time. its up to you my friends:

1. MAKE A BOOK LIST: summer is the perfect time to catch up on all of those pesky books you've been dying to read. but don't directly head to that best seller romantic novel, i am a sucker for them myself. Instead, read a book that will ENHANCE your view of the world. Currently, i am reading the outliers by malcolm gladwell. I'm starting to feel smarter already.

2. CATCH UP ON CURRENT EVENTS: life passes most of us by, unfortunately. catch up on whats going on in the world. I'm currently obsessed with the huffington post app on my iPhone. I feel like i can sound super intellectual in every single conversation I take part in. Bring on the current event q and a!

3. CRAFT: you're probably like "are you kidding me". but actually, craft. Pinterest has given me so many ideas, and i need to try them all. Plus, you will feel accomplished and have super cute stuff. yesssss.

4. JOURNAL: journaling is my favorite thing to do. its amazing. you can express your emotions and think through things like crazy. I've been journaling forever and now i love to look back at how INSANE i was when i was like 10. 

5. DO YOGA: even doing a few yoga poses of day can do wonders. It is so relaxing and allows you to breathe and relax. Its the perfect way to start or end a day.

6. MAKE A PLAYLIST: car rides can be long and treacherous. With the summer heat they can get even worse. my advice, make a fun, upbeat playlist on your iPod/iphone. this way you can sing along and it will put you in a much better mood. I promise. I'm that girl who is crying to hotel california while driving on the highway. and I wouldn't change it for the world.

This is all I've got for now. Stay tuned for more ways to enhance your summer in the future. And as always, stay gorgeous.


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