hey check these out

Monday, June 24, 2013

GUIDE TO LIFE: websites

the internet is the modern day girl's cure to boredom. how do you survive your boring internship? internet. what to do on a tuesday night? internet. need inspiration? INTERNET. are you seeing a pattern? that being said, here are my favorite things to look at when i'm on the internet.

1. Facebook. okay its kinda on the downhill but its still a great tool to look up people and post pictures. i wouldn't make it my life though

2. twitter. the way to express your emotions without coming right out and saying them. one of THE greatest things ever.

3. instagram. okay so like everyones all "instagram is an app, not a website". not so my friends. i get 0-nada cell service at my job so instagram.com is a life saver. you can't post pictures but you can like/stalk away. and the set up for the profile is zooo artsy. i love it.

4. buzz feed. anyone who knows me will tell you that this is my obsession. its amazing and hilarious. it also teaches you things you didn't know (aka super important trivia!)

5. betcheslovethis.com. because its the bible. duh.

6. hercampus.com. its a great place to read adorbs articles for college girls.

7. google trends. legit my obsession. just google "trends" and click the first link. it pretty much will keep you up to date with all the important knowledge you need to know

8. laurenconrad.com. she's a goddess and an inspiration. who wouldn't want to be her??

9. netflix/hulu. because tv is a great way to relax yourself while also being entertained. overdoing it can be bad though. so take it easy.

10. breaking news. I hate to be behind on things. So this website keeps me in the loop at all times. Thank youuu.

May the internet be with you.


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