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Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Guide to Finals

...or any other test that makes you wanna cry....

Whether you're in high school, college, or a brave one in grad school finals are the worst. 

No other words can describe them. You have to relearn everything from the semester and, get this, the teacher expect you to do WELL. Crazy I know. Such a bore. However, they are important. 

So here are some ways to keep yourself on track and ace your finals like the star you are:
1. Start early
        All nighters can be deadly and can often hurt your grade. You'll agree with me when your chugging your 5th coffee at 3am completely out of ideas for your greek lit paper due that morning.
2. Take breaks
        You need to let your mind breathe every once and a while. You'll never get any work done otherwise. So go grab food, check buzzfeed.com or stalk a cute boy. Anything helps.
3. Stay hydrated
        Yes coffee can become your BFF during finals but so should water! For every coffee you chug you should be consuming 2 glasses of water. This is coming from the girl who HATES water more than anything. Get a cute monogrammed water bottle if necessary and make sure you drink... water that is!
4. Take a social break
        If its the end of the year, have a "finish your alcohol" night with your friends in your room. They are usually controlled (so your RA doesn't freak at you) but they are also a lot of fun! And they allow you to get rid of unwanted alcohol, bonus!
5. Exercise and stretch
      It will clear your mind and allow you to think. Plus, after sitting around all day you are sure to be sore. However, make sure not to overdo it. Once a day is PLENTY. No more than 45 minutes of cardio. Unless you wanna tire yourself out and not be able to work. I mean, your choice.
6. Organize
      Make a to-do list for everyday. Only carry around books and papers that you need, too many things will stress you out! Make outlines and study sheets. You will feel less overwhelmed and more at peace. Personally, I use my white board and thousands of sticky notes! Also, make realistic goals. I know its hard but you will feel better about yourself in the long run. Do not plan to write two essays and study the map of the world in one night. That will not go well and it will not make you less stressed.
7. Sleeping
     Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Personally, I work better during the day so I like to wake up early. You need sleep to get through these long days ahead!
8. Eat well
       I know candy and sweets are tempting but they will slow you down. Stick to fruits, veggies, nuts, yogurts and low fat coffees. You will feel less pressure to go to the gum and you will be able to get a lot more done. My personal fav is a yummy chobani yogurt with banana and granola and a side of peanut butter. Perfect breakfast!

So read these tips, choose the ones that work for you and good luck! Remember, this time is only temporary. Soon you will be able to relax and read all the posts on my blog that you want.

XO me

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