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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One life, one world, one person

So for the last few years I've been struggling with the issue of the FUTURE(scary right?). I am not good at making decisions and I absolutely HATE change. But sometimes i get these random emotions that make me want to think about what i can do in my lifetime. Today I had one of those experiences.

Have you ever seen Severn Suzuki's 1992 speech??
 (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY) This video really hit me. We need to change the world we live in. Death scares me, it is not a fun thing to think about. But what if you could postpone death? Postpone the end of something? I want to fix the world. Thats my goal. I recently read something that said "we are educating our youth for jobs that don't exist yet, that problems we don't even know are problems yet". I want to fix those problems. I want to make our world a better place. I want to make the impossible possible.

When I was little I set a goal for myself: to be known. I want to make a mark on the world. If that is only by affecting a few people then I'm fine with that. I want a purpose. I don't want to waste something so precious as life. 

Who knows... maybe one day I'll find a way to negotiate peace, or to create a food that helps someone live longer. Or maybe I will just be an inspiration. That is something I KNOW i can do. 

I hope I inspire you too.


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